Kimmi has defied all of the odds stacked against her in life. In high school she became a single mom and lost her strongest support system when her father passed away. She was heartbroken and afraid, but she knew nothing could stop her from staying in school.
Kimmi had seen other teen moms leave school to focus on their children. In fact, only 1/3 of teen moms will graduate high school and only slightly over 1% will earn a college degree before the age of 30. She knew this was not going to be her story. Her story would be one of breaking down barriers and blazing a new path for her and her daughter.
In 2011, she graduated from Oyler High School and entered our College Bridge program to earn an associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education. Kimmi was very successful in college, earning Dean’s List recognition in several semesters. In May 2014, she broke another glass ceiling and graduated with her degree from Cincinnati State.
She is now working full-time at a daycare center and is enrolled at the University Cincinnati and working toward her bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education. Kimmi inspires all of those around her and is a strong advocate for our College Bridge program as she believes the support of her Education Matters family was a big part of her success.